maanantai 30. tammikuuta 2017

Lyriikoiden Inspiroimana

Luomio kokoontui viime marraskuussa kuuntelemaan heitä koskettaneita sanoituksia.Biisit löytyvät youtubesta tästä linkistä. Sen jälkeen pääsivät sanataiteilijamme kirjoittamaan biisien inspiroimana. Tässä muutama tuotos:


Täällä ei tueta, jos oot sekaisin.
Kyllä on väärin ja ei liikaa,
onko ihme jos haluatkin kotiin takaisin?

Hyvästit viipyvät kielellä ja kauneus on mennyt,
mutta toiset vielä marssivat.
Ovat rakastajat lähteneet ja vieneet aseet,
mutta joillakin on se viimeinen avain takaoveen.

Etkö ymmärrä, mitä yritin sinulle näyttää?
Ennen kuin kellot pysähtyvät
tuntien puutteesta
ja sydämet murtuvat
- Paljaasta, tukahdetusta huudosta.


Whisper of a Forgotten Man

I sit on this lonely chair in a world that is so cruel, so blind. I no longer age as I am forgotten. Even time has forgotten me to this dark corner. Everything has left me except my memories that are laced with sorrow and pain.
The bed is still a mess. It has been like it ever since you left. I dare not to touch it. There are too many memories just watching it. Time remembers it. It’s fading to nothing but dust but to me the image lingers on.
I want to scream and shout until my lungs turn to ashes but I cannot make a sound. The sound can never find its way through me. It can never be heard. I am afraid of silence and yet it’s my best friend.
I fear this darkness but I no longer can move. It hurts. I cannot. If I stay completely, utterly still then maybe… it won’t hurt more than it already does.
I still wonder… How could you do it? Leave your loved ones behind. Didn’t you fear death? The darkness inside you could not have been darker than mine. Still, I fear death. You wondered how is it possible to live and I wonder how is it possible to die.
I know you lost him. I lost you both. I knew you were in pain. I still am in pain. You let go of yours and you shoved it on me. Now I have to carry it alone, both. Your apology is a joke… It means nothing. You couldn’t handle the pain so you gave it to me without permission. You doubled my pain by leaving this life… If you couldn’t handle one half with me, what chances do I have to carry it all, by myself?


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